Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Punctuation Mark

Summary of Punctuation Marks

Click on the link for each punctuation mark to find out more.
Punctuation MarkNameExample
full stop or periodfull stop or periodI like English.
commacommaI speak English, French and Thai.
semi-colonsemi-colonI don't often go swimming; I prefer to play tennis.
coloncolonYou have two choices: finish the work today or lose the contract.
hyphenhyphenThis is a rather out-of-date book.
dashdashIn each town—London, Paris and Rome—we stayed in youth hostels.
question markquestion markWhere is Shangri-La?
exclamation markexclamation mark
exclamation point (AmE)
"Help!" she cried. "I'm drowning!"
slash or forward slashslash, forward slash or obliquePlease press your browser's Refresh/Reload button.
double quotation marksdouble quotation marks"I love you," she said.
single quotation markssingle quotation marks'I love you,' she said.
apostropheapostropheThis is John's car.
underlineunderlineHave you read War and Peace?
round bracketsround bracketsI went to Bangkok (my favourite city) and stayed there for two weeks.
square bracketssquare bracketsThe newspaper reported that the hostages [most of them French] had been released.
ellipsisellipsis markOne happy customer wrote: "This is the best program...that I have ever seen."

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