Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

example: speaking for four people

example: speaking for four people
oleh: Fakhru R.A

Person 1                     : hi, friends what you've been waiting here.?
Person 2                     : hi, welcome to my comrades arrowroot city,
Person 3                     : no we have also just come.
Are you alone.?
Person 1                     : yes, I was alone, because I had been here before, go first to the
                                    hospital,  I look kaka who had just given birth, 
Person 4                     : woooow, there is a new nephew, when in to born.? Congratulations.?
Person 1                     : Oh, yes. Thank you my friend request prayer Space.
Person 4                     : yes, you're welcome. Oh, yes. of course.
Person 2                     : Now let us go to college admission tests because his time had hardly begun.
Person 4                     : Did you know him anywhere.? 2nd person.?
Person 2                     : Oh, of course. The directions, from here we start straight on until a fork we turn right and then straight again will meet again fork we take turn left and straight not far from there is no gate to the left of us and we went into the gates of campus and that's where we are.
Person 3                     : huuuuh,  I like your opinion about aran instructions you gave.
And now let's go and get tested immediately.
Person 2                     : we split the field in campus majored in yes because we are
Person 3                     : okay, good spirit, good luck, hopefully we pass,
Person 1                     : yeah, we meet again fitting the test wrong, thanks you so much already departed together
Person 2                      : yes, you're welcome. good bye ..

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